The following species summaries have been updated. Those marked with a [#] indicate the species summaries have been updated following recent British Birds Records Committee (BBRC) decisions. North American Canada Goose# Cackling Goose# Pintail Lesser Scaup# Goosander Turtle Dove Coot Red-necked Grebe Great Crested Grebe Ruff Curlew Sandpiper Baird’s Sandpiper# Little Stint Pectoral Sandpiper Semipalmated Sandpiper# Grey Phalarope Wood Sandpiper Spotted Redshank Little Gull Great Northern Diver Zino’s/Fea’s/Desertas Petrel# Sooty Shearwater Little Egret Great Spotted Woodpecker Carrion Crow Coal Tit Blue Tit Great Tit Purple Martin Long-tailed Tit Wood Warbler Yellow-browed Warbler Reed Warbler Grasshopper Warbler Garden Warbler Subalpine Warbler Group# Eastern Subalpine Warbler# Treecreeper Rose-coloured Starling Mistle Thrush Spotted Flycatcher Pied Flycatcher Black Redstart Restart Dipper Yellow Wagtail Grey-headed Wagtail Grey Wagtail Tree Pipit Buff-bellied Pipit# Hawfinch Bullfinch Siskin |
The following species have had images added or replaced Spotted Sandpiper Spotted Redshank Wood Sandpiper St Kilda Wren Pied Flycatcher Cuckoo Black Redstart Baltimore Oriole |
The following species has had an audio file added Spotted Crake |