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Category: Uncategorized
Update 04-2024
As of 1st January 2024, the following species will be no longer be considered as an SBRC species and therefore becomes a local rarity Great Shearwater (Scottish Birds 44:2 (2024): 108) | |
The following species summaries and/or species account have been updated. Those marked with a [*] indicate that the species summary and/or the species account have been updated following recent Scottish Birds Records Committee (SBRC) decisions Canada Goose Garganey Gadwall Surf Scoter Goosander Turtle Dove Water Rail Spotted Crake Moorhen Little Stint Pectoral Sandpiper Green Sandpiper Wood Sandpiper Lesser Yellowlegs * Greenshank Little Gull Cory’s Shearwater * Night-heron * Little Egret Osprey Hoopoe Jackdaw Rook Carrion Crow Waxwing Blue Tit Great Tit Wood Warbler Arctic Warbler * Garden Warbler Lesser Whitethroat Treecreeper Mistle Thrush Ring Ouzel Spotted Flycatcher Pied Flycatcher Black Redstart Whinchat Dipper Yellow Wagtail Scandinavian Rock Pipit Hawfinch Bar-headed Goose | |
The following species have had images added or replaced Nightjar Turtle Dove Moorhen Temminck’s Stint Bonaparte’s Gull Gull-billed Tern Squacco Heron Black Kite Hoopoe Woodlark Grasshopper Warbler Nightingale Tree Sparrow | |
The following species has had an audio file added Golden Oriole |
Update 03-2024
The following species summaries and/or species account have been updated. Those marked with a [*] indicate that they have been update following recent Scottish Birds Records Committee (SBRC) decisions. Those marked with a [#] indicate that they have been update following recent British Birds Records Committee (BBRC) decisions. Those marked with a [+] indicate that they have been updated following recent Outer Hebrides Records Committee (OHRC) decisions. Harlequin Duck # Baird’s Sandpiper # Stilt Sandpiper # Kumlien’s Gull White-billed Diver + Great Shearwater + Kingfisher + Red-eyed Vireo # Hobby + Red-backed Shrike + Golden Oriole + Jackdaw Blyth’s Reed Warbler + Marsh Warbler + Mistle Thrush Red-throated Pipit # Scandinavian Rock Pipit Common Rosefinch + Yellowhammer + |
The following species has been removed from the systematic list after a recent British Birds Records Committee (BBRC) decision Collared Pratincole |
The following species have been added to the systematic list recent after recent British Birds Records Committee (BBRC) decisions Oriental Turtle Dove Grey-headed Lapwing Oriental Pratincole |
The following species has had images added or replaced Oriental Turtle Dove Turtle Dove Grey-headed Lapwing Kumlien’s Gull Red-eyed Vireo |
Oriental Turtle Dove
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Grey-headed Lapwing
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Update 02-2024
The following species summaries and/or species account have been updated. Those marked with a [*] indicate the species summary and/or the species account have been update following recent Scottish Birds Records Committee (SBRC) decisions. Those marked with a [#] indicate the species summary and/or the species account have been update following recent British Birds Records Committee (BBRC) decisions. Those marked with a [+] indicate the species summary and/or the species account have been updated following recent Outer Hebrides Records Committee (OHRC) decisions. Snow Goose + European White-fronted Goose + Green-winged Teal + Ring-necked Duck + Goosander Coot White-rumped Sandpiper * Little Gull Ring-billed Gull + Little Auk White-winged Black Tern * Wilson’s Petrel * Cory’s Shearwater * Balearic Shearwater + Barolo Shearwater # Night-heron * Little Egret Barn Owl + Coal Tit Short-toed Lark * Wood Warbler Reed Warbler Firecrest + Mistle Thrush Treecreeper Dipper Olive-backed Pipit + | |
The following species has had images added or replaced. American Wigeon Short-eared Owl Kingfisher Lesser Grey Shrike Long-tailed Tit Coal Tit Sedge Warbler Siberian Lesser Whitethroat Barred Warbler Hornemann’s Arctic Redpoll |
Garden Warbler
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Update 01-2024
The following species, some of which are scarce or locally scarce, have had additional background information added. Those species marked [*] indicates that their summary has be modified to accommodate this update. Canada Goose * Greenland White-fronted Goose * Wigeon * Common Scoter Coot * Purple Sandpiper * Black-tailed Godwit Curlew Little Auk * Great Northern Diver * White tailed Eagle * Jackdaw * Rook * Carrion Crow * Siberian Chiffchaff * Garden Warbler * Mistle Thrush * Dipper * Corn Bunting * | |
The following species had had images added or replaced Canada Goose Greenland White-fronted Goose Common Scoter Purple Sandpiper Black-tailed Godwit Great Northern Diver White-tailed Eagle Jackdaw Rook Siberian Chiffchaff Corn Bunting |