Update 04-2023


Following consultations with Chris McInerny (Secretary SBRC) and Keith Naylor (Historical Records Consultant BOURC), the following records, thought to be accepted, are now known to be unsubstantiated. Those species marked [*] indicate that the species summary and/or species account has been modified to accommodate this update.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper *
2004 Butt of Lewis, juvenile, 6th September. (OH Bird Report 2003 & 2004: 43)
2004 Ness, Lewis, one, 12th September. (OH Bird Report 2003 & 2004: 43)
Gyr Falcon
1855 Benbecula, shot, 21st October. (BirdGuides British and Irish Records Archive)

Rosy Starling *
1975 Reef, Lewis, one 12th August. (Scottish Birds Vol.9 No.4: 231)
1975 Manish, Harris, one, 15th August. (Scottish Birds Vol.9 No.4: 231)
Richard’s Pipit *
1979 Rubha Ardvule, South Uist, one, 22nd April. (Cunningham: 149-150)
Parrot Crossbill *
1962 Uig, Lewis, four, 11th October. (SBRC species analysis)
1962 North Rona, up to two on 9th – 11th October. (Murray, The birds of North Rona and Sula Sgeir Supplement to Scottish Birds Vol 43(1): 34)
The following Snowy Owl records were incorrectly assigned to Gyr Falcon and have therefore been removed

Ness, Lewis, male, 21st December, photo; presumed same as other sites on Lewis, last seen 13th November (British Birds 100: 56–57). (British Birds 100: 725)

Baleshare, North Uist, intermittently 11th – 23rd January; same, Balranald, North Uist, 21st April, photo; same, Corran Aird a’Mhorain, North Uist, 7th July to November, photo. (British Birds 100: 725)
Bru, Lewis, immature male, intermittently from 9th November to 11th December (British Birds 100: plate 59). (British Birds 100: 725)

Grenitote, North Uist, male, 10th – 12th May, photo, presumed same as North Uist, Outer Hebrides 2013 (British Birds 107: 610).