Following consultations with Chris McInerny (Secretary SBRC) and Keith Naylor (Historical Records Consultant BOURC), the following records, thought to be accepted, are now known to be unsubstantiated. Those species marked [*] indicate that the species summary and/or species account has been modified to accommodate this update. Buff-breasted Sandpiper * 2004 Butt of Lewis, juvenile, 6th September. (OH Bird Report 2003 & 2004: 43) 2004 Ness, Lewis, one, 12th September. (OH Bird Report 2003 & 2004: 43) Gyr Falcon 1855 Benbecula, shot, 21st October. (BirdGuides British and Irish Records Archive) Rosy Starling * 1975 Reef, Lewis, one 12th August. (Scottish Birds Vol.9 No.4: 231) 1975 Manish, Harris, one, 15th August. (Scottish Birds Vol.9 No.4: 231) Richard’s Pipit * 1979 Rubha Ardvule, South Uist, one, 22nd April. (Cunningham: 149-150) Parrot Crossbill * 1962 Uig, Lewis, four, 11th October. (SBRC species analysis) 1962 North Rona, up to two on 9th – 11th October. (Murray, The birds of North Rona and Sula Sgeir Supplement to Scottish Birds Vol 43(1): 34) |
The following Snowy Owl records were incorrectly assigned to Gyr Falcon and have therefore been removed 2005 Ness, Lewis, male, 21st December, photo; presumed same as other sites on Lewis, last seen 13th November (British Birds 100: 56–57). (British Birds 100: 725) 2006 Baleshare, North Uist, intermittently 11th – 23rd January; same, Balranald, North Uist, 21st April, photo; same, Corran Aird a’Mhorain, North Uist, 7th July to November, photo. (British Birds 100: 725) Bru, Lewis, immature male, intermittently from 9th November to 11th December (British Birds 100: plate 59). (British Birds 100: 725) 2014 Grenitote, North Uist, male, 10th – 12th May, photo, presumed same as North Uist, Outer Hebrides 2013 (British Birds 107: 610). |