The following species, all Scottish rarities, now have added additional information as per all national rarities. This includes (but not limited to) a species account, distribution, historical records with references, and all known sightings (proven, not proven, and unsubstantiated) with dates and references. Those species marked [*] indicates that their summary has be modified to accommodate this update. Black Brant Alpine Swift* Stone-curlew Black-winged Stilt White-rumped Sandpiper Lesser Yellowlegs* Yellow-legged Gull* White-winged Black Tern Wilson’s Petrel* Cory’s Shearwater Great Shearwater* Night-heron* Cattle Egret Purple Heron* Montagu’s Harrier Black Kite* Red-footed Falcon* Woodchat Shrike Woodlark Short-toed Lark* Red-rumped Swallow Cetti’s Warbler Dusky Warbler* Greenish Warbler Arctic Warbler Melodious Warbler* Nightingale Red-flanked Bluetail Citrine Wagtail* Parrot Crossbill* Serin* Ortolan Bunting* |