Update 03-2024


The following species summaries and/or species account have been updated. Those marked with a [*] indicate that they have been update following recent Scottish Birds Records Committee (SBRC) decisions. Those marked with a [#] indicate that they have been update following recent British Birds Records Committee (BBRC) decisions. Those marked with a [+] indicate that they have been updated following recent Outer Hebrides Records Committee (OHRC) decisions.
Harlequin Duck #
Baird’s Sandpiper #
Stilt Sandpiper #
Kumlien’s Gull
White-billed Diver +
Great Shearwater +
Kingfisher +
Red-eyed Vireo #
Hobby +
Red-backed Shrike +
Golden Oriole +
Blyth’s Reed Warbler +
Marsh Warbler +
Mistle Thrush
Red-throated Pipit #
Scandinavian Rock Pipit
Common Rosefinch +
Yellowhammer +
The following species has been removed from the systematic list after a recent British Birds Records Committee (BBRC) decision

Collared Pratincole
The following species have been added to the systematic list recent after recent British Birds Records Committee (BBRC) decisions
Oriental Turtle Dove

Grey-headed Lapwing
Oriental Pratincole
The following species has had images added or replaced

Oriental Turtle Dove
Turtle Dove

Grey-headed Lapwing

Kumlien’s Gull

Red-eyed Vireo